Old customs
Old traditions in Bašelj are not dead yet!
St. Nicholas Day processions
This custom is regulary maintained. Boys who dress as "parklej" (Krampuses) should not be married. They have a vivid white or brown fur clothing and larfe - masks - with a long red tongue and horns. Mandatory is also a small bag for contributions. Together with St. Nicholas they visit village houses and give gifts for the children, which must prove they know how to pray properly.
Carnival time masquerade
Children masquerade themselves and visit nearby houses. Local boys parade a statue of "mr. Pust" around village and gather firewood for his trial by fire procession. On the Carnival masquerade tuesday they prepare the bonfire.
St. Anthony
St. Anthony is a protector of animals. This holiday is celebrated in St. Nicholas in neighbouring village Mače. There we always walk up the hill to the Mass, where we leave little wooden statue of piglets around the altar asking for a blessing ina form of healthy livestock. Local meat products are sold on a traditional auction.
Easter time blessing
Easter time blessing of local homemade produce (ham, eggs, horseradish, walnut cake) takes place at village chapel.
Protector of our village is St. Lawrence, which has a feast on 10th od August. His church is on a hill above the village at elevation of 960 meters. This sunday we go to the Mass, after that we prepare lunch for our relatives.
Youth initialisation
When a boy is 15 or 16 years old then older boys perform an initialisation with varios tasks, so they can prove themselves being ready for manhood.